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Mummy Kitty Confinement  Centre

Mummy Kitty Confinement Center

1 stop confinement home centre in Ipoh.  24 hours experienced and dedicated nannies providing professional and carefree confinement home retreat. Our team partnered with medical doctor to provide optimum postnatal care. Our centre located in a serene, gated and guarded community. We also provide confinement meal delivery service.

专业医生配合开设的养生陪月中心, 专属提供一站式的陪月服务让妈咪们产后安心调理身子, 宝宝24小时经验丰富保姆监护,特设在高戒备住宅区。中心也提供月子餐外送服务。


Mummy Kitty COnfinement Centre 凯蒂陪月中心
怡保凯蒂陪月中心 Ipoh Mummy Kitty Confinement Center Support Breastfeeding

Confinement / 坐月子 

Chinese postpartum or confinement practice also known as 坐月子 ‘Zuoyuezi’, literally means "sitting the month." It is an important period for mummy to recuperate from strenuous and rigors process of giving birth. During this period, a good confinement practice will helps new mummy to regain a strong body, a more comfortable transitional period for mummy to acquire knowledge to take care of newborn, it also prevent mother from developing postpartum depression.

It is also an important period for newborn as during these 28 days is the most fragile state for baby, they requires constant care and monitoring.

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